Resident Physician
Mayo Clinic
Mohammad Salameh is currently a third-year Ob/Gyn resident at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Originally from Amman, Jordan, he moved to Doha, Qatar, to earn his Medical Degree from Weill Cornell Medicine - Qatar. Within Ob/Gyn, his passion lies in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and he is excited to apply for an MFM fellowship this upcoming cycle.
Mohammad has a strong interest in research, with a focus on intrauterine growth restriction, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, and addressing racial and social disparities in maternal health. Mohammad is committed to leading projects in his institution and affiliated community hospitals dedicated to improving maternal outcomes, such as reducing the nulliparous term singleton vertex cesarean section rates and enhancing postpartum blood pressure control in patients with hypertensive disorders. In Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Mohammad appreciates the diverse range of work and the unique patient population served.
Outside of work, Mohammad enjoys weightlifting and trying new ice cream shops and flavors. More than anything, he enjoys spending time with his wife and their cat, Anabta.