Director of the Shapiro Hochstein Maternity D
Shaare Zedek, Israel
Professor (MD) Hen Y. Sela
Hen, OB&GYN From Hadassah Ein-Kerem mecial center, Jerusalem Israel (2008) with subspeclity in Maternal-Fetal-Medicine MFM from Columbia Univeristy Medical Center (2012). Currentky servs as a Maternity Department director at Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem Affiliated with the Hebrew University School of Medicine and practice in all fields of MFM.
He is Clinical Profeesor at the Hebrew Uinveristy, and an Adjunct Professor at CUMC, NY, an educator and mentor to medical students, residents and fellows in MFM.
Prof' Sela has published more than 100 manusripts, he chairs the Israel OBGYN Society Jerusalem Chapter and is theSecretary of Israel Society of MFM.
His research intrests includes maternal complications, manging trauma during pregnancy, Twin pregnanices, External cephalic versions, as well as various aspects of operative deliveries - vaginal and abdominal alike.