Instructor of Medicine
Natalie A Cameron, MD, MPH is an Instructor of Medicine at Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine in the Department of Medicine (Division of General Internal Medicine) and Department of Preventive Medicine (Epidemiology). Dr. Cameron’s research interest is in women’s preventive cardiovascular health with a focus on the peripartum period as window of opportunity for cardiovascular disease prevention across the life course. Her work describing trends in pre-pregnancy hypertension in rural and urban areas in the United States was recognized in the American Heart Association’s Top Heart Disease and Stroke Advances of 2020. She has additionally received several young investigator awards from the American Heart Association for her work described trends in peripartum cardiovascular health including the Scott Grundy Fellowship Award for Excellence in Metabolism Research and the Jeremiah and Rose Stamler Research Award for New Investigators. Her scientific research publications have been featured in leading journals including Circulation, JAMA, JACC, JAHA and the American Journal of Public Health.