Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Creanga is a professor and Associate Director of the International Center for Maternal and Newborn Health at Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Her work focuses on implementing and evaluating perinatal quality and safety interventions, domestically and internationally, with a key interest in measurement innovations and data science. She leads the Maryland Maternal Health Innovation program (MDMOM), coordinating innovative work in the areas of maternal health data collection, quality improvement, and health equity in the 32 birthing hospitals in Maryland. She serves as Principal Investigator for the Maternal Health Data Innovation and Coordination Hub working with 12 Maternal Health Centers of Excellence as part of NIH's IMPROVE Initiative. Before joining JHU in 2016, she spent 6 years working on maternal mortality and severe morbidity surveillance and research at the CDC. For this work she received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) from the US Government, Executive Office of the President in 2013. She serves as a member of the Maryland Maternal Mortality Review Committee, World Health Organization's Maternal Mortality Estimation Technical Working Group, and United Nations' Stillbirth Estimation Group; and as co-editor of the Oxford Encyclopedia of Reproductive Health.