Poster Session 3
Sarah T. Mehl, MD (she/her/hers)
MFM Fellow
McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston
Houston, Texas, United States
Abigail S. Zamorano, MD
Assistant Professor
Division of Gynecology Oncology, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, McGovern Medical School
Houston, Texas, United States
Beatrice Valentini, MD
University of Parma
University of Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Zakaria Doughan, MD
Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston
Houston, Texas, United States
Elias Kassir, MD (he/him/his)
MFM Fellow
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, McGovern Medical School
Houston, Texas, United States
Edgar A. Hernandez-Andrade, MD, PhD (he/him/his)
McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston
Houston, Texas, United States
Sean C. Blackwell, MD
Professor and Chair
McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston
Houston, Texas, United States
Baha M. Sibai, MD
McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston
Houston, Texas, United States
Farah H. Amro, MD
Assistant Professor
McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston
Bellaire , TX, United States
Antenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) is crucial for maternal counseling and surgical planning. There is minimal data describing frequency of missed diagnosis of PAS by ultrasound, particularly in those without risk factors. Our objective was to identify rate and reason of undiagnosed PAS in unplanned postpartum hysterectomy.
Study Design:
A retrospective cohort study of pregnancies resulting in unplanned postpartum hysterectomy from 2019 – 2024 and delivered within our institution’s hospital system. Pregnancy outcomes were evaluated in two groups: PAS and no PAS. Maternal characteristics, pre-existing risk factors for PAS, antenatal ultrasound findings, and outcomes including PAS severity by pathology were analyzed.
A total of 45 unplanned postpartum hysterectomies were reviewed. All but 1 patient had prenatal care. PAS by pathology was identified in 14 (31%) patients. Table 1 describes characteristics including prior uterine surgery and placenta previa. Similar risk factors were seen between those with PAS and without. Among the 14 cases of PAS, 11 (79%) did not have placenta previa, 8 (57%) did not have prior CD, and 5 (42%) did not have anterior placenta. All 8 cases without prior CD also did not have placenta previa yet had PAS. Table 2 further describes additional risk factors among those with PAS. Accreta was the most common pathology finding, seen in 10 (71%) cases. In this cohort, approximately 30% of unplanned postpartum hysterectomies were due to PAS. Routine risk factors such as previa and prior CD were not present in 57% of cases. Our findings suggest a need for detailed placental evaluation for all pregnant women regardless of prior uterine surgery or previa.