Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellow
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
My name is Dr. Tenisha Wilson. I am currently a MFM Fellow at the University of North Carolina. I received my MD and PhD from the University of Florida, College of Medicine. In graduate school, I studied immunology, and my dissertation research focused on investigating the role of an immune system regulator, Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling-1 (SOCS1), in maintaining tolerance and preventing autoimmune disease in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
During residency, I focused on understanding obstetric diseases that contribute to the maternal mortality disparity between African American and Non-Hispanic White patients, particularly Preeclampsia. This has carried forward into fellowship.
In addition to basic science research, I am also passionate about serving and educating the community, and advancing diversity in medicine. To that end, I have dedicated my social media platforms to educating the community and, mentoring, motivating, and inspiring premedical and medical students. Instagram Handle: @DrNishsNiche.