Senior Doctor
Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center, Israel
Originally from London, I graduated from King’s College London School of Medicine in 2012. I completed my specialty training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Centre, during which I spent 8 months in the Fetal Medicine Unit at The Helen Schneider Hospital for Women. This allowed me to gain experience in prenatal sonographic and genetic diagnosis and attend multidisciplinary prenatal clinics for a wide range of congenital anomalies. I am currently a Clinical Fellow at St George’s Hospital Fetal Medicine Unit, London, which has given me exposure to a wide spectrum of complex fetal medicine cases, including those requiring invasive fetal procedures and instances of placenta accreta. This fellowship has significantly enhanced my skills in obstetric sonography and invasive diagnostic procedures.
My passion for medical education has been a driving force in my career. As a trainee, I took the initiative to develop and manage the academic and teaching programs for trainees in my department. I also had the privilege of serving as the lead tutor for several Obstetrics and Gynaecology Student rotations for students from Tel Aviv University. Throughout my training, I have cultivated a strong research interest. I have published papers in the field of maternal and fetal medicine, primarily focusing on twin pregnancies and labor outcomes. Additionally, I have had the privilege of presenting my research at numerous international conferences, and more recently, as a young consultant, I have found great satisfaction in mentoring residents and students on their own research projects.